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The Use Of Fire Rated Barriers In A Building

The use of fire restrictive rated barriers has become an integral component in a building’s fire protection system. The utilization of fire rated structures like fire proof doors, walls, and floors are examples of passive fire protection system. The integration of passive fire protection system in a building enables to reduce the spread of fire and smoke in between compartments in cases of actual fire. A fire rated structure can only act as a barrier in between the fire side compartment and the non-fire side compartment.

With this, building occupants will have ample time to securely exit the burning building unaided by any rescue personnel. The use of fire rated barriers can also limit building damage as it can contain the fire in the room of origin for a limited number of time.
Fire resistant structures have been an essential part in any establishment as these structures are extremely helpful during fire disasters. Most local building codes cover the need to integrate fire protective system in an establishment. Building inspectors and fire marshals recommend the use of various fire rated barriers such as fire proof doors, fire proof walls, and fire proof floors in an establishment for fire safety purposes.

Many local building codes and standards have requirements for the construction, installation, and maintenance of any fire rated structure. Any modification in a fire proof barrier is strictly prohibited as this can affect the over-all performance of the structure. For increased performance and reliability, a fire rated barrier must be made, installed, repaired, and maintained by skilled contractors only. Fire resistive barrier like fire proof doors, walls, and floors are made within certain specifications and are rigorously tested in order to pass certain listings, approvals, and compliance by the authority that is in jurisdiction.

The utilization of fire rated barriers inside a building can mean the difference between life and death. Fire accidents have caused havoc to many business owners, employees, and their families. Uncontrolled fire has been the cause of many serious physical injuries and deaths due to burns and inhalation of toxic gases. Several fire victims have suffered an expensive consequence due to lack of appropriate fire protective systems.

Building owners and builders are expected to comply with the standards that are mandated by the authorities in jurisdiction in order ensure the safety of the building for public use. It is important that a building has a well-established security features for its occupants safety during emergency cases like fire, earthquakes, and other forms of disaster.

To increase a building’s reliability, a fully operational fire protective system must be integrated. The safety of the building occupants must be a top priority all the time and this can be accomplished with the use of fire exit doors, walls, floors, and other form of fire safety structures. Most emergency exits and routes are constructed behind fire resistive barriers reason why these structures must maintain its functionality in order to properly serve its purpose during actual fire. For more information about fire exit doors, click here.



Scanline Fire Doors is fully licensed and insured to perform fire door inspections which are compulsory in Queensland. They must be inspected and maintained in accordance with AS1851, Part 17-2005 and therefore the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

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