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Fire Door, The Crucial Need Explained

If you’re buying a door that’s to be used for non-domestic structures, you are usually required to purchase fire door. The scope of this term now includes all apartments of flats. Now, even if you own a residence or a domestic building as long as it has a third floor or more, you are still required to have a fire door installed.

Fire doors are essential because they are a form of what we call passive fire protection. They are very much essential to prevent fire from spreading all throughout the building. This means a lot as you’ll get to save more property as well as lives. There are thousands of lives taken away by just mere fire outbreaks. This is the reason why there’s a huge need to have the right fire proof door installed correctly.

These fire doors will divide a certain building in different sections to stop the wild spread of fire on a specific time or fire door rating. Also, these doors should easily allow people to pass through them and go for safety. The minimum fire rating for doors to be used would be 30. So, getting an FD 30 means that it can hold off fire and smoke for about 30 minutes which is already an ample time for small building occupants to get out from the premises and go to safety.

Australia has made certain regulations with regards to the type of doors that should be installed. It’s highly important that the company you chose to attach these fixtures is aware of these things. They should be the one to tell you the standards that should be followed to avoid certain problems.

Every fire door has a rating. This rating is a form of certification that these doors are compliant to what is prescribed in the guidelines of the Australian government. This also means that these doors are tested in the harshest conditions and are able to survive them all according to each one’s limits. But even if these doors are certified, the proper way of installing them plays a very important role as well. If it’s not done perfectly, it can affect the whole protection process during times of emergencies. That’s why instructions should be clear and should be followed accordingly. This is to make sure that the doors are will perform on their optimum level during fire.

Also, intumescent seals play an important role on these matters. For these types of doors to work efficiently, there should be a precise measurement of the gap between the door leaf and the floor or the sides. This gap should also be secured because smoke or flames can get in here as well. This is where intumescent seals come into play. When hot temperatures are placed on these seals, they automatically expand thus covering the gap and therefore sealing the door for fire prevention and containment.
Although there are fire doors that are available with glass, they can’t easily be modified or manufactured. It’s highly engineered so that it would fit any building correctly and of course follow the recommendations that are being pushed through by the government. Protection against fire is crucial so you need to understand all these matters.



Scanline Fire Doors is fully licensed and insured to perform fire door inspections which are compulsory in Queensland. They must be inspected and maintained in accordance with AS1851, Part 17-2005 and therefore the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

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