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Fire Door Maintenance - Protection On Excellent Condition

Installing fire doors is one thing. However, keeping them active and well-maintained is another thing to worry about. Therefore, before you do anything, you have to make sure that these fixtures are well maintained and regularly checked out by professionals.

In fire incidents, most of the loss of lives is not even caused by the actual fire itself. In most cases, the victims were rendered helpless when they started to inhale the toxic smoke which causes difficulty in breathing and results in them being unconscious. The actual just finishes the job by burning their bodies and that is not a very good sight.

Fires can actually start anytime and anywhere and mostly, at places where people least expect them to start. There are so many factors that can make a fire start. It could either be from natural causes to human errors but whatever the case is, when fire is out of control, it is very hard to put them out. This is especially true if the fire happens inside a building. As you know, buildings are confined spaces and if in the event a fire starts, it is going to be very difficult to escape to safety especially with lots of people in it.

In order to prevent this from happening, the government has established a  law called the building codes that mandates all structures, old and new such as buildings, apartments, malls and even some homes should have fire safety-system installed with them. This will ensure that everyone occupying the structure has a better chance of surviving in case a fire breaks out.

One of these fire safety features are fire doors. These doors are basically special fixtures that are made with strong materials that are coated with classified substances to make it fire resistant for a certain period of time. It ranges from 30-120 minutes and after which, it can give in to the intense heat that the fire can give, unless the fire rescue arrives on time to put the fire out. In a sense, the fire doors serve two purposes. One is that it can be a barrier against fire and the other is that it provides a passage for everyone to escape to safety.

But the integrity and the durability of the fire doors depend on how well it is maintained after it has been installed. Just like an ordinary thing, fire doors are subject to the usual wear and tear especially if it is being used constantly particularly if they are placed in an area that has a high traffic such as corridors or even hallways.

There is no better way than to have them maintained by special professionals who are trained to do such fire door maintenance. They are the ones who would know if there are non-functioning latches, missing screws, if the door itself is no longer self-closing or if there are missing labels. They can also instances where there are installed kick plates that are not the proper type or if the gap between the door and the floor is not proportionate.

Call a professional firedoor maintenance technician today and follow their advice so that you could guarantee that the fire doors will work effectively during fire accidents.



Scanline Fire Doors is fully licensed and insured to perform fire door inspections which are compulsory in Queensland. They must be inspected and maintained in accordance with AS1851, Part 17-2005 and therefore the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

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