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Facts About Your Fire door

This article lists the basic facts that come with the installation of fire doors.

Installing fire doors is just the first step towards a safer building. The next agenda on your list should be to abide to fire door regulations. Below are some tips on how to prep for a fire risk assessment in your building.

  • Risk management is your responsibility

According to fire door laws, the building owner is in charge of the safety of the building, and therefore must make sure the proper fitting of fire doors is done. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) states that all fire doors must be fitted and maintained according to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1905.1.2005, and that a licensed Building Services Authority (BSA) company or person must install the fire doors.

  • Fire door Maintenance is mandatory

All fire doors must be regularly maintained so that they serve their function fully. Non-compliant fire doors can affect your certification, safety, as well as your insurance. Fire door tags provide information of the history of the fire door. It shows the date the fire door was made and the manufacturer. It will also indicate if the door passes fire door requirements.

  • If it doesn’t have a compliance tag, then it should be replaced with a new one.

Fir doors have to be maintained under the Queensland Development Code or QDC. It states that fire safety installations for an establishment should be maintained by a qualified person at time intervals that are enough to ensure the safety of a building. Under the QDC MP 6.1 schedule 1, fire doors must be maintained to the stated maintenance schedules. If your building is a class 2, example, an apartment building, it requires testing once a year. If it’s a commercial establishment, inspection is usually done twice a year.

  • Fire doormaintenance companies can do all the work for you

There are companies like Scanline Fire doors that can do all the inspections, maintenance, and certifications for you. Scanline Fire doors is insured and licensed to inspect fire doors that are in accordance to the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008. All the inspectors are qualified tradesmen. They can even make small adjustments to your fire doors while inspecting. This way, you can save yourself the worry of extra costs for the repair of your fire doors.



Scanline Fire Doors is fully licensed and insured to perform fire door inspections which are compulsory in Queensland. They must be inspected and maintained in accordance with AS1851, Part 17-2005 and therefore the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

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